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Casing - to mixed case / to mixed case - addresses / to mixed case - other

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Purpose: to correctly translate the contents of the user-defined field(s) from upper case to mixed (upper and lower) case.

The process To mixed case can be used for all fields. However, certain countries require two processes. These countries are those where there are single character prepositions within the language. For example, in French, a freestanding A could be an abbreviation but might also be the preposition A meaning TO. As the computer cannot distinguish these differences in usage, the process To mixed case - addresses is used for fields where abbreviations are unlikely to occur, such as the street address, and this assumes that free-standing characters such as A are prepositions and puts them into lower case. The process To mixed case - other assumes that free-standing characters such as A are abbreviations and leaves them in upper case.

image Running this process over street addresses for countries where are single letter indicates a proposition, such as a in France, will result in letters which are part of the house number being put into lower case. Thus in France, 21 A would become 21 a whilst 21 B would remain unchanged. If this is undesirable, run the process To mixed case - other rather than To mixed case - addresses over the street address.

image In countries where single letter prepositions do not exist, the process is called To Mixed Case. The processes To Mixed Case and To Mixed Case – Addresses are the same. Therefore, when choosing the option Apply parameters to all countries, choosing to run only To Mixed Case – Other on a field will leave fields unprocessed in countries with the default To Mixed Case process. You should therefore choose to run both To Mixed Case – Addresses and To Mixed Case – Other in this case to ensure that all fields are processed.

Information required:

Abbreviations which are written with neither spaces nor commas in the field(s) defined cannot be distinguished by the process from other words, and will also be made into mixed case, i.e.

   BBC Transmission Of Programmes Plc 

will become

   Bbc Transmission of Programmes PLC

This does not happen if abbreviations are consistently written with full stops or spaces, i.e. B.B.C. or B B C.

If the data in the field to be processed is already in mixed case, and you wish only to correct the casing, you can choose to check the Respect original casing in this dialogue box:


Checking this option prevents the process from lower-casing the original data during processing, so

   BBC Transmission Of Programmes Plc 

will become

   BBC Transmission of Programmes PLC

This option can only be used usefully if the data being processed is already in mixed case.

There is a clash in the casing rules for Belgium between Dutch/German and French; in Canada between French and English; and in Switzerland between German, French and Italian. For this reason, this process handles each language area differently. It is therefore necessary to have already written the language areas to the database file using the procedure Language Regions - assign (or that the language areas already coded). When running a mixed-case process for Belgium, Canada or Switzerland, you are required to specify which field contains the language region and which codes are used for each language.
